What’s on the Menu – Last Minute Chicken


This post is part of a series for 2016 on real meals served to my family of 7 that conserve energy and time while preserving nutrients.  This also serves the secondary purpose of eating out fewer times, providing both nutritional and fiscal benefits.

So this is one of those dinners that happened last minute because I had a high pain day. Instead of eating out, I utilized a couple convenience appliances and saved both energy and money. Normally I would have spatchcocked the birds, but my hands were hurting too much to try to split them alone, and the husband was out in the shop tending to other matters.

Last-Minute Chicken
Olive-oil Sautéed Veggies
Pressure-cooker broth risotto

A whole, thawed chicken fit tightly into a crock or lidded Pyrex dish takes approximately 20 minutes to cook on high in the microwave, produces juicy meat and copious broth. Yes, I am aware that there is some controversy about microwaves, but I feel comfortable using my newly designed one. It uses safer technology than the old radar ranges, and you can even use metal in it! Regardless, I seasoned liberally with salt and curry powder.

The veggies were sautéed in olive oil in a hot cast iron pan for about 10 minutes, at which point I added about a half cup of water, covered, and reduced heat to braise until the rest of dinner was ready.

I poured about twice as much stock into my multi-cooker as I did rice and pushed the button for rice/risotto. The results are so creamy and wonderful that I never want to go back to standard steamed rice. Truly magical.

I served all this on mother’s china with iced green tea and apple slices.

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