What’s On the (Romantic) Menu: Valentine Steaks


This is just so gorgeous that I can’t even remember what else was for dinner.

Oh wait.  Mashed potatoes and kale.  Some sort of bread.  Butter.

Regardless, I started by salting the sirloins and covering them with crushed rosemary leaves.  I let the salt and aromatics work their magic while hubby and I worked on the above random vegetables.  I don’t often share the kitchen (I’m territorial), but it was late and he was being awesome.  During this time, I toasted sliced crimini and button mushrooms and onion slivers in my cast iron in some particularly amazing Amish butter that I got from a local health store.  This process takes a little bit of time.  You don’t want the heat so low that it takes all night, but you don’t want it so high that you burn the mushrooms before they have time to cook through.  Once these were golden and lovely and cooked through and crusty, I reserved them in another dish.

At this point, I raised the heat a touch and added more butter to the dish.  I seared the sirloins on both sides with their aromatics still pressed into the meat.  Once the meat was crusty and beautiful on both sides, I put them in a shallow roasting dish.  I deglazed the pan with some chianti and allowed it to reduce over heat while the other vegetables finished cooking.  When the rest of the food was ready to serve, I covered the meat with the mushrooms and onions and poured the wine reduction over.  This I topped with a double handful of freshly shredded parmesan and popped the dish into a blaring hot oven to toast for a few minutes while I set the table.  I let it rest the obligatory 15 minutes or so while everyone got to the table and plates were dished up.

It was blissfully, wonderfully, face-meltingly amazing.

I had the leftovers the next morning, and I did not share.

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